Covid-19 has introduced us to a new way of living. It has not been easy for us smilers and huggers. I have wanted to pull down the face mask a few times to reveal a real smile, and oh, the need to hug people has been real – especially if we haven’t seen some of our people due to quarantining. However, I know following the Covid-19 recommendations is doing what’s best for those around me. I’ve worn my mask and exaggerated my smiles – squinting my eyes so hard to show others I’m smiling BIG time. I’ve squeezed the air in front of me with great gumption six feet away from others to mimic how tight I’d hug them if only I could. I’ve adjusted. Social distancing is one of the best ways to stop the spread of Covid-19 or any other germs, so it’s the least I can do.
Continue readingSweet Surprises!
Story time!
I have recently taken the job as the Student Ministry Intern here at Northcrest! I am still thrilled and have received nothing but kindness and encouragement from our church. Anyway, I believe it was my second official Sunday when I got a message that was addressed to the staff. It was from Rob Smith, who had harvested some watermelons and told us to come grab one after the service was over as a thank-you gift!
Continue readingUnexpected Leaders
The beauty of social media is the ability of keeping in touch with people we do not see every day, every week, or even every year. As a person who has moved around over the last seven years, I have met many people. I have met peers in school and work, and I’ve met adults who served as mentors (even if they do not realize it). Then there are the former students I have had in my youth groups. These students live all over the world now. Mostly they live in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, but one lives in Arizona and one even lives in Japan!
Continue readingWhat Do We See When We Look Deep Within Ourselves?
Our Western culture has rapidly evolved over the past 60 years. Being born in 1995, I haven’t fully been able to see the whole picture of this cultural shift. However, just looking at this past decade, I believe I have a pretty good grasp of it. In 2020 America, one of the biggest values in our culture is authenticity, or “being real.”
Continue readingSubstitutions for the Win
A little old inch can make the BIGGEST impact or difference. In the event of a tie at the finish line, that runner just one inch ahead can be announced the winner. To that child who has waited in line for nearly an hour to ride the fastest, most daring ride at the amusement park and falls one inch shy of the height requirement, an inch cost him an hour of his time that day, great disappointment, and possibly a year until his family returns to try again.
Continue readingInto the Unknown

As a teacher, these past five months have been filled with so many feelings. Disappointment, confusion, frustration, and worry are just a few I can name. And it seems that, depending on which headline you read, the interruptions, cancellations, and social isolation are far from over. I know God has a plan. I tell myself that every single day. But some days I get so frustrated with the fact that I have absolutely no clue what that plan is! This next week some schools will begin to invite students back for a new school year. As I stood in my empty classroom yesterday, questions swarmed around in my mind. How many students will I actually have in this room? Will there be enough space to keep distance? How will I manage the mask situation? Will I be able to meet in small groups? How should I manage classroom materials? What are parents expecting to see in this room? Many more questions continued to fill my thoughts, but I had no answers.. I stood there, frozen, unsure of what to do next. I had absolutely no clue . Have any of you ever felt this way? You may not be an educator, but I know there are many of us who have been faced with the stress of not knowing what is going to happen next – especially in the past few months.
Continue readingPersevering Obedience Despite Persecution
Before we get into the good stuff… I just want to preface this article by saying my hope and prayer for you as the reader is that at the end, you will feel encouraged and empowered by God’s Word to keep following His call for you, despite the opposition you might be facing.
Continue reading#GirlDads and #OurDad
With the tragic passing of basketball legend Kobe Bryant and his beautiful daughter, the hashtag #GirlDad was introduced throughout social media interactions. In addition to being known for his skills on the basketball court, Kobe was known for being a girl dad to his four daughters.
Continue readingFlowers of the Field

Last Thursday while walking outside the house, I noticed an iridescent bottle fly seeking shelter from the wind on a purple cone flower in one of our planters. It reminded me of a few scriptures from both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and how temporal our surrounding conditions may be, yet how eternal our security and hope remains.
Continue readingLiving Counterculture in a Self-Driven World
We live in a world where it seems as if everyone is easily offended. It has become so much so that at times, I find myself questioning everything I say because I don’t want to offend someone. However, as a Christian, if I stand for Biblical truth, then I will offend someone.
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