Life’s Reboot

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.


How often is there a problem, and, try as we may, we can’t fix it? Much like our trusty cell phone, iPad, or other media, we need a good reboot. We can spend huge amounts of time trying to figure out how to fix it, when “it” just needs to be turned off to reboot. Get a fresh start.

Often life gets to running too many programs in our life, and we need a good reboot where “we” shut down, pull back and look to God for His power up.

It could be a huge life event like I had this year with cancer, where our family talked about and prepared in case mama didn’t make it, or it can be one of those disheartening events in life where we are overwhelmed to the max.  Whatever, God allowed it, and with a reboot, we can look to Him to power up His plan for what overwhelms us.

For me personally, it looks like God is healing me through doctors and drugs, which is funny. Oh, I believe in healing, and my Lord can heal anyway He wants, but I had been sick for so long and was so weak……I didn’t think God was going to heal me. We had seen our lawyer to make sure everything was in order. I was not afraid of dying; I was afraid of living in that sick body, unable to take care of myself.  I will never understand on this side why the Lord is healing me and has allowed so many of our younger precious ones to pass on over. With me at 69, I would have chosen someone younger to heal.  But having said that, letting go of the guilt, I press on towards the goal.

I may be gone tomorrow from something besides cancer, and that will be great.  I will get to see my Lord. But for today ………. I’m getting a reboot to see how I can serve my Savior “next.”

P.S. Thank you for every prayer said for me!!! At this writing, I’m finishing up five months of cancer treatment, and I feel better than I have in several years. My strength is coming back, and I’m well on my way to remission from cancer.  Reboot almost complete.


Carol Moore

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord not for men.

One Reply to “Life’s Reboot”

  1. Mrs. Carol, I am so very thankful for you and the faith that shines through you. You are such a precious example to me and I’m thanking Him for your healing! Love you.

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