Flying Blind 

Most people have heard of the saying,“Everything has a purpose.” Have you ever thought about how true that statement is? Like the little things… maybe something in your house, couldn’t sell it for a dime, but it has a purpose for you because you like it. Maybe you have a car. That has a purpose to take you places. Right? Sure, why not. Even you were created for a specific purpose. But what about those other things that make you say to yourself, “Why was this created? What reason does it have for being here?” Something like those pens you buy from the store and don’t work two days after you get them. Have you ever seen something you thought had no purpose but taught you something? Well, here’s a little lesson. 

A moth.. what purpose does a moth have? They just get in the way at your campfire or hang around your lights outside. But why do they hang around lights? Simple.. they are attracted to them. Now the full explanation behind that is very, very complex, so I won’t get into all that, but here is what I do know.

I was sitting in a twenty-four hour worship service and the music was soft and there was no singing. Everyone around me (including me) was just having his or her own quiet time. I had been praying, and, for a moment, I just looked up at the light, and I saw this moth, flying and buzzing around the light. At first it looked meaningless to me, and then I looked again. I noticed how attracted this moth was to the light, and how it just wouldn’t leave. I knew the light must’ve been hot to the touch because it had been on for so long. It reminded me of how Jesus is our light and how we should be fully captivated by his light and his love for us. Then I realized how sometimes I’m just not. I won’t put on a face and say all the day I’m thinking of Jesus and how amazing he is. While he truly is amazing and captivating, I let my mind slip and focus on other things. But this moth wouldn’t leave, and it brought me back to Jesus! This tiny little creature, handmade by God, that to me looked like it had no purpose gave me wisdom and understanding. And look at you,

  • Handmade by God
  • Without him, have no purpose
  • With him, every purpose and reason in this world
  • To someone else you might look worthless.
  • To Jesus, you are priceless.

To me in that moment, that moth brought me back to see the truth that rests within the light, the light of Jesus.

So why exactly does the moth not leave the light? Well, according to google, “.. once the moth comes close to a bright light, it might have a hard time leaving the light since going back into the dark renders it blind for so long.”

I realized that when I’m not in the light, I’m flying blind. I have no idea where I’m going and have no direction. And if I’m in the light and then slip out of God’s will, I’m blind again. But if I’m in the light and stay there, I’m at home. In the beautiful warm presence of Jesus. At that point, it doesn’t matter if my world gets hot to the touch or difficult to carry.  My God will do that for me. Christians should have a hard time if we step off the edge of grace and light; Jesus is our helper, and without him we are truly alone.

In this worship service I heard a song that said,

I’ve made up my mind, not turning around. I’ll pick up my cross and never lay it down.” 

It’s not a surprise to Jesus that we get distracted, and yet he still cares for us. You can pick up your cross, carry it to the light, and lay it at the feet of Jesus. Be attracted to his light.

John 8:12 “And again Jesus said to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” 

You have Jesus inside of you; therefore, you have his light inside of you. I pray that whoever reads this, if you are in darkness and need help, you trust the light of the world.

4 Replies to “Flying Blind ”

  1. What amazing insight from such a young person. Thank you for reminding all of us that without Jesus we truly are blind.

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