A Season of Waiting

Christmas has always been one of my favorite times of the year. As a child, the countdown to Christmas Eve was almost unbearable because I was always so excited. I love the decorations, the traditions, and the time spent with family. It’s always so sweet to celebrate Christ’s birth and the true meaning of Christmas with others. It really is one of the most joyful times of the year.

This Christmas season has been a little harder for me. This year as my husband and I hung ornaments on our tree and started shopping for our family, we were missing someone. This year we are missing our child. He or she is far away on the other side of the world.  My heart yearns for him or her this Christmas. As we decorated our tree, I thought about all of the handmade ornaments our child will make for us in the years to come. While looking at Christmas pictures of families, I think about what our Christmas cards will look like in the future. When I see people shopping for books, clothes and toys for their little ones, I want to fill my shopping cart with things that I know our little one will enjoy. Even though Christmas time is full of joy, it’s been harder for me this year.

Waiting for an adopted child is hard. It’s one of the most difficult things I’ve ever waited for. It’s hard to think about what our child is doing right now and how he or she will celebrate Christmas this year. It’s hard to wait as I imagine what our little one will like to do or what food he or she will like best. Will our child like to be sung to or read to? We sure hope so! What will make our little one laugh? There are so many unknowns for us that are already known to the ones taking care of our little boy or girl until we can. However, in those unknowns, we rest in the fact that we serve a known God and that His timing is perfect.

As we wait for our child, I am reminded of Abraham and Sarah. God had given Abraham a promise that he would be the father of many nations. Time continued on, and there were still no children. When Abraham was 100 years old, they had their first child. Hebrews 6:15 says, “And thus Abraham, having patiently waited, obtained the promise.” Now, I know that our wait for a child hasn’t been anywhere near as long as Abraham and Sarah’s or even as long as other families we know who have adopted or waited for a child for a long period of time. However, like Hebrews said, we are in the stage of “patiently waiting.” Some days, the “patient” part is harder than other days. But we know that God has a good plan for us and for our little one.

I have wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. I remember playing with my baby dolls as I held and rocked them. I have held babies in my family, at church and in foreign countries, silently whispering to God prayers of thanksgiving for children. I have such a desire in my heart to be a mom that there have been days when I have cried desperately because I want our little one home so badly. My prayers are filled lifting him or her up because I know that God promised us this, and I know He stays true to His word. He is faithful.

My husband and I have known for a long time that God placed a desire in our hearts to adopt. We have learned over the past year that the adoption process is tough. It makes you rely on Jesus more than ever, and it requires you to sit and wait.  We have no idea what parenthood will be like, but we are ready with arms wide open to enjoy it and to trust in our Savior who has already so generously blessed us.

Maybe you are in a waiting time in your life. Perhaps you are awaiting a child to be born or adopted; maybe you’re waiting on good news from the doctor; you could be waiting to hear from a new job or opportunity. Whatever your situation may be, know that God is in control and that when he gives us a promise, he fulfills it. His timing may be different than ours and the outcome may be a bit different, but He is a good, good father. Whether we decide to wait patiently or impatiently, the wait time is still part of it, so we ask God to help us wait patiently and faithfully.

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