The Call

If I’m being 100% honest, I was pretty unsure of what to do this blog about up until about thirty seconds ago.  Then all of God’s signs finally clicked, and His plan for just a simple blog was made known. I think it’s cool how God works – how He can do that. He is just so able and makes it known in the simplest ways, yet it is so reassuring.  Continue reading “The Call”


Life is so full of constant change – small changes such as, “wait can I change my water order to a diet dr. pepper instead?” or you could be like me and your procrastination level causes you to change your room completely around. Then there is big change such as, change of schools, friend groups, and again in my case – a change in your major. Whatever changes going on around you or with you, the one always remaining constant is our God and in our constant change it can sometimes be hard to see that He is never changing.  Continue reading “Change”

Diamonds in the Rough

When trying to decide the best thing to write about, given a blank canvas to work with, one word remained constant with me throughout my praying and asking God just exactly what He wanted to say through me. The word may seem like such a small minute word that can often be overused, a word so often not put into action as it was intended to, and a word that is so important in the lives of everyone. That one small word is: friendship. Continue reading “Diamonds in the Rough”