Unexpected Leaders

The beauty of social media is the ability of keeping in touch with people we do not see every day, every week, or even every year.  As a person who has moved around over the last seven years, I have met many people. I have met peers in school and work, and I’ve met adults who served as mentors (even if they do not realize it). Then there are the former students I have had in my youth groups.  These students live all over the world now.  Mostly they live in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, but one lives in Arizona and one even lives in Japan! 

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Living Counterculture in a Self-Driven World

We live in a world where it seems as if everyone is easily offended. It has become so much so that at times, I find myself questioning everything I say because I don’t want to offend someone. However, as a Christian, if I stand for Biblical truth, then I will offend someone. 

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Stay Focused

Sunday, March 31st, 2013, is a day that I will never forget.  It was a day that changed the trajectory of my family’s future. You see, March 31st was a great day! This was the day that I surrendered to ministry before my home church. I knew I was in God’s will and obeying His command. However, I could never have predicted how the next six years would look. Continue reading