Flowers of the Field

Last Thursday while walking outside the house, I noticed an iridescent bottle fly seeking shelter from the wind on a purple cone flower in one of our planters.  It reminded me of a few scriptures from both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and how temporal our surrounding conditions may be, yet how eternal our security and hope remains.     

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Trust in Him and Pray. God Cares!

“The pride of man is best seen in his determination to live by his own solutions in independence of God.” 

Hampton J. Keathley, III,The Promise That God Cares

The topic points of this reading largely come from the above quoted book by Mr. Keathley.  It’s amazing how the study of God’s word and the context within doesn’t know time limits and continues to hold just as true today. 

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The Boogie Monster

Repairing Relationships

Becoming a dad has been one of the greatest blessings I’ve ever received, but like most blessings, there come responsibilities and new lessons learned. We are constantly screening what types of shows we watch on TV, working out the context of our conversations, and teaching a two-year-old the tough things in life, like drinking milk from a bowl, especially from a bowl of Fruity Pebbles cereal. Continue reading