Wilderness Wandering

I have a sweet friend who said, “I’m dry, and I know it. I keep asking the Lord to bring me out of this wilderness. I tell him, ‘Lord, I’m ready. I’m tired of wandering. I’m just ready to be done.’” I thought about what she said for a long time. 

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We’re Starving

I ate really well on Sunday. It’s my day to rest and worship with my family, so I ate several huge, vitamin-filled meals. Someone served the food to me, too, so what’s better than that? I didn’t even have to make it for myself, so by the end of the day, I was fat and happy. Then Monday came, and even though I’m off on Mondays, I filled my day with a MILLION things I needed to do for the week. The hunger pangs started toward the end of the day, so I ate a little snack to get me by, and then I kept going full speed ahead. No slowing down, y’all! Continue reading

Trust and Obey

Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.”

I have some friends who have a “word of the year.”  It’s a word that the Lord has impressed on them, and He seems to be teaching them all the time about that word. Everywhere they turn, they are being shown a new thing by the Lord about their word of the year. I totally get that, because for about five years, God was impressing a word onto my heart. As in, it took FIVE YEARS for the word to truly sink in. And the word is….

TRUST Continue reading “Trust and Obey”