Winter Thoughts

As I write, it is 29 degrees and 1:00 in the afternoon, odd weather for Mississippi.  It is Monday, New Year’s Day.  The day started out at 17 degrees.  It’s beautiful outside, though, sunny and blue skies.  I’m sitting in the coveted favorite chair, an old but very comfortable recliner in front of the fireplace.  This fireplace is one of the joys of winter.  Continue reading “Winter Thoughts”

Making Changes

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.  C.S. Lewis

In a few weeks, we’ll be facing the beginning of a new year, and there will be talk of New Year’s resolutions. The prospect of beginning anew is exciting.  Making changes in our lives, however, even good ones, can be hard.  Continue reading “Making Changes”


Have you ever met Fairlight Spencer?  Isn’t her name delightful?  It exactly describes her, for she is a beautiful woman whose merriment lights her up from the inside out.  Have you met people like this?  Their whole demeanor is joyful, and they shine from within.  I’ve puzzled over the how and the why of this.  Continue reading “Fairlight”

Ancient Words

On September 11, 2001, United Airlines Flight 93 left the Newark, New Jersey, airport and began its journey to San Francisco.  Everything appeared to be normal on the flight until terrorists took over the plane.  Todd Beamer, one of the passengers, tried to make a call on one of the seat-back phones, Continue reading “Ancient Words”