Is It Time to Say Yes?

When someone learns that I teach piano and voice, there is an automatic assumption that I spend my days working with children. For the overwhelming majority of my students, that is true. But I have a feeling you would be just as surprised as anyone to learn that I do teach adults, too. One of the ladies I work with is hardly a beginner. She has been the pianist at her church for a couple of decades, and I’m really more a coach in keeping her skills fresh and a consultant as she plans what she will play for her church. It has become a great friendship, and often the “lesson” turns more into a conversation about the things of God and our journeys with Him.  Continue reading “Is It Time to Say Yes?”

A Reason (or Two) to Celebrate

December is a month filled with celebration, and it’s not just Christmas. People of the Jewish faith celebrate the eight nights of Hannukah, and the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is observed as Kwaanza in many African-American homes and communities. That’s just the beginning. Along with these and other celebrations in other cultures, there are some rather unique days, too. Continue reading “A Reason (or Two) to Celebrate”

Watch Your Step

Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” 

A year ago I was leaving the elementary school where I teach piano to go grab a quick lunch between students. I decided to take a shortcut across part of the schoolyard instead of taking the sidewalk to the gate that leads to the parking lot. As I stepped onto the grass, I noticed a few feet ahead of me a nice-sized hole in the ground, and it looked deep- definitely something to avoid. Seconds later I was sprawled on the ground—cell phone, purse and car keys flying in different directions, and my right ankle immediately began to throb. Continue reading “Watch Your Step”