On Fire, yet Not Burning Up

Have you ever experienced a season where you feel completely overwhelmed? Just too much to juggle and not enough rest. Thoughts that race continually. Feeling like you are treading water and not getting anywhere, no matter how hard you work or how much you try. Stress and worry at every turn. No end in sight to the daily battle of just trying to keep going.

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Defining Moments

It was just turning into the holiday season of 2017 when my husband lost his job. I felt anxiety, despair, and panic roll in at full force. I immediately thought of all the things coming up at the time. Christmas was only weeks away, along with all the extra expenses. He was about to start medical school, and we had no idea how we were going to make ends meet living off student loans. We were trying to save for a down payment and buy a house, so we could move near the school which was over an hour away. All of these worries filled my head, and the anxiety of how we would pay our bills, let alone have the money for anything extra, threatened to suffocate me. Continue reading