How Could a Loving God Send People to Hell?

(This is the fourth in a weekly series called “Apologetics 101,” where we examine some of the key questions skeptics ask about the Christian faith.)

Perhaps the most difficult doctrine that Christians have to contend with when talking to non-believers is the concept of Hell. We Christians claim that God is a God of love. So how does that idea square with God consciously tormenting people forever because they rejected him? Continue reading “How Could a Loving God Send People to Hell?”

There Can’t Be Only One Way to God, Can There?

(This is the third in a weekly series called “Apologetics 101,” where we examine some of the key questions skeptics ask about the Christian faith.)

An old Buddhist parable describes several blind men who are touching an elephant and trying to figure out what it is. The first touches the tail and says it is a rope. The second touches the trunk and says it is a snake. The third touches the body and says it is a wall. The fourth touches the tusks and says it is a sword. Continue reading “There Can’t Be Only One Way to God, Can There?”

Isn’t the Bible Just a Book of Myths?

(This is the second in a weekly series called “Apologetics 101,” where we examine some of the key questions skeptics ask about the Christian faith.)

Do you remember playing the game “Telephone,” when you were a kid in school? In that game, one person whispers a word or phrase into the ear of another, who repeats the phrase to the next person, until it goes all the way around the room. Continue reading “Isn’t the Bible Just a Book of Myths?”