Fear or Faith

What is it that you fear the most in life? Is it failure? Perhaps death? A terminal illness? The loss of a job? The end of a relationship? Maybe you fear being the victim of a violent crime.  All of us deal with fear at times, and some of us struggle with fear all the time. In his inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt made a statement that has become famous, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  Continue reading “Fear or Faith”

The Hope of Christmas

As this post is made, many of you are either in the midst of hunting for some amazing Black Friday deals or are recovering from an all-night shopping spree. Thanksgiving is over and the march towards Christmas has officially begun. While it’s the most wonderful time of the year, this is also the busiest time of the year. In fact, a lot of us will wake up on January 1 and wonder where our holidays went. The busyness of this season makes it all too easy to miss out on the beauty and wonder of Christmas. Continue reading “The Hope of Christmas”

Potential Energy

“You have such potential!” “This is potentially the best…(fill in the blank) ever” “This company has the potential to make millions.” “This team could potentially go all the way.” Potential…there is perhaps no other word in the English language pregnant with as much implied hope. It’s actually a very powerful word.   Continue reading “Potential Energy”