Sweet Surprises!

Story time!

I have recently taken the job as the Student Ministry Intern here at Northcrest! I am still thrilled and have received nothing but kindness and encouragement from our church. Anyway, I believe it was my second official Sunday when I got a message that was addressed to the staff. It was from Rob Smith, who had harvested some watermelons and told us to come grab one after the service was over as a thank-you gift! 

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On the Mountain

Have you ever just been in a dry season spiritually? Everyone experiences this, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’ve recently started calling this season “On the Mountain” because to be transparent with you, friend, I’m right there now. 

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YET, I will rejoice

Here at Sharelife.me we share struggles, triumphs, and the Father’s love. We are here to be open and honest and not sugarcoat anything. Well, my friend, that’s exactly what I’m here to do. I myself always prefer it when people give me real-life examples. I want to do that now for you. 

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I Did It My Way

By Rob Smith (and Elvis)

Malachi 3:8-10 New International Version (NIV)

“Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ “In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

I am very embarrassed to share this article with you.  It exposes a sin that I am not very proud to talk about.  As a matter of fact, I “fought” the Holy Spirit all the way to the point of saying, “Well, I wouldn’t know what to title it!” Continue reading

Stretch Marks

Hey! It has been a while since we last talked, and today I want to explore something. I want to find joy in or learn something new about stretch marks. No, we aren’t talking about our bodies. I want to know what stretch marks can teach us spiritually. What do you think God could be teaching you through your stretch marks? What circumstances does God permit to mold and shape us, past and present?  That is what I mean by “stretch marks.” Continue reading

Flying Blind 

Most people have heard of the saying,“Everything has a purpose.” Have you ever thought about how true that statement is? Like the little things… maybe something in your house, couldn’t sell it for a dime, but it has a purpose for you because you like it. Maybe you have a car. That has a purpose to take you places. Right? Sure, why not. Even you were created for a specific purpose. But what about those other things that make you say to yourself, “Why was this created? What reason does it have for being here?” Something like those pens you buy from the store and don’t work two days after you get them. Have you ever seen something you thought had no purpose but taught you something? Well, here’s a little lesson.  Continue reading “Flying Blind “

Are We Saying Beautiful and True Things About God in Ways That Make Him Angry?

I recently attended the Passion conference in Atlanta, which was an incredible experience. For those of you who don’t know what Passion is I will explain. Passion is this huge gathering of people 18 to 25 years old.   There is a lot of awesome worship and preaching, and it’s designed to ignite my generation to change the world. I have attended three times now, and it is special each year. For this article I want to discuss an idea that was presented by John Piper in the introduction to his message. I must confess this idea made me think so much that I had to go back and re-watch the rest of his talk because I was not paying any attention.  Continue reading “Are We Saying Beautiful and True Things About God in Ways That Make Him Angry?”

Who Told You?

Ever since I entered the youth group at my church, it has been my biggest dream to attend Passion Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Every year I would hear the seniors come back from Passion with amazing stories of what God had done and how awesome the worship and speakers were, and each passing year I longed to go even more. Everyone knew how excited I was to be blessed with the opportunity to FINALLY go to Passion with the other seniors and college students because I literally wouldn’t shut up about it every day leading up to the day we set out for Atlanta.  Continue reading “Who Told You?”

The Call

If I’m being 100% honest, I was pretty unsure of what to do this blog about up until about thirty seconds ago.  Then all of God’s signs finally clicked, and His plan for just a simple blog was made known. I think it’s cool how God works – how He can do that. He is just so able and makes it known in the simplest ways, yet it is so reassuring.  Continue reading “The Call”