Expecting the Unexpected

The Lord provides – often in the most unexpected ways.  In chapter 22 of the Old Testament book of Genesis, we can read part of Abraham’s story.  God had asked Abraham to make an unimaginable sacrifice – his son Isaac, whom he loved dearly.  Abraham climbed that mountain to the altar where he would make the burnt offering to God,  while trusting that the Lord would provide.  In verse 7, we see Isaac noticing he and his father have all they need for a burnt offering except the actual sacrificial animal.  He questions his dad, and in verse 8, Abraham answers with, “God himself will provide…”  And He did just that!  God had asked Abraham to do the unimaginable, the unspeakable.  The Bible does not tell us if Abraham was hesitant or in anguish over the command he had been given.  We simply read that Abraham was obedient and trusted God to provide. In obedience, Abraham led his son up the mountain to an altar for sacrifice.  And, when the time came to offer his son, God honored Abraham’s obedience; He provided a ram instead.

Later in the New Testament of the Bible, we read of the final atoning sacrifice.  God offered His beloved Son Jesus.  Out of obedience to His Father, Jesus climbed that hill to Calvary to be sacrificed for the pardon and forgiveness of our sins.  The Lord provided a way for us to no longer be separated from Him by our sins.

Oh, Lord, as a follower of Jesus, I pray that, like Abraham, I, too, would display such obedience and trust in the One who made a way as I climb the mountains of this life!

I have several stories of unexpected answers that I have told over and over again when given the chance.  I have told them so frequently that my kiddos can now recite them. One of our favorites took place one fall evening a few years ago.  I found myself in a predicament – a molehill of sorts.  The hubby was out of town, and the oldest kiddo was not driving yet.  As other moms can relate, I was running mom’s taxi service on my own.  Our three kiddos had two different places to be and needed me in those two places at the same time.  I had exhausted my efforts and was unable to recruit any help. Right after school that particular afternoon, I had dropped the older two off at one of our local theaters for play practice. My oldest kiddo is the typical firstborn.  She needs answers — now.  She needs a plan — now.  She does not like surprises; she needs to know what to expect and when to expect it — now.  Getting out of our mini-van that day, she was anxious, because we did not have answers or a plan.  I could not tell that firstborn planner what to expect.  I did not know how I would leave the little sister at ballet class across town at 5:30 and return to the theater at 5:30 to pick up the budding actor and actress after their practice.  All I could tell her was “Hannah, just trust God! He’ll make a way.” The youngest kiddo and I then continued our afternoon errands. I drove the little ballerina, decked out in her black leotard and pink tights, across town to our community college for her class.  During the drive, I prayed aloud so that this lone kiddo heard, “Lord, I’ve asked everyone I know to ask for help. (but You!)  I do not know how, but I know that you will make a way.”  We arrived at the parking lot early, about 5:10 p.m. Because the yoga class that met in the studio before LilyAnn’s ballet class was in session until 5:30, I could not leave her unattended until then.  Instead, we rolled down the windows to enjoy the fall breeze while we waited.  In that very moment, out of nowhere, a mom of a sweet friend also in the 5:30 ballet class walked over to my window.  She, too, had arrived early.  She did not know the schedule I was juggling that afternoon or the prayer I had prayed. (but God knew!)  She offered to take my little ballerina into class with hers at 5:30, so that I did not have to wait.  She was my ram in the thicket — right there in the parking lot of the community college.  The Lord provided a way!  I had just enough time to travel back across town to the theater by 5:30 to retrieve my other two kiddos.  I wish you could have seen their faces when they jumped into our mini-van and asked, “Momma! How’d you do it?!”  and I got to tell them how the Lord provided. Now, I know this dilemma was somewhat trivial – I am not trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. However, this family story has been a constant reminder that God can be trusted with all the climbs we face:  small or large.

Since then, when our family has a larger mountain to hike, we know that if God will handle our little molehills, He’s got our mountains, too.  My hubby served as a student minister for twenty-seven years.  We had served our most recent church family for nearly ten years when our time there came to an end.  We thought God was providing for our crew by moving us to a new position with a new church family.  Because our children had grown up in our most recent church body, we knew it would not be a comfortable or easy transition for them. Multiple times a day, everyday, I voiced in prayer, “Please, Lord, allow this new church family to minister to us, love us, and be happy to serve with us.” When the door closed to that opportunity for the new position with the new church family, I then voiced in prayer, everyday, multiple times a day, “Oh, Lord, please lead us to any church family that will minister to us, love us, and be happy to serve with us.”  To my Heavenly Father, I’m sure I sounded much like the young child asking repeatedly for candy in the grocery store check-out.  I was persistent in my plea. During that transition period of leaving one church family after serving there nine years and pursuing a new position with another church family, our oldest daughter had been visiting Northcrest with friends.  We would visit as well when we were not speaking or visiting elsewhere.  I thoroughly enjoyed the worship services.  They were powerful, inviting, convicting, encouraging, and Holy Spirit led.  However, with so many members and new faces, Northcrest felt much too large for me.  I longed for a smaller, more intimate church body – one where I would find people with whom I could share life.  Before we ever considered joining, our oldest daughter was fully immersed in the Northcrest body.  She already had a mic in hand and was a regular member of the student praise team.  Knowing that our younger two kiddos needed to be plugged into a church family also, my hubby suggested we join Northcrest, but I was hesitant.  I feared I would not find my people there.  Shouldn’t we just wait until God called us to a church as a minister’s family again?

It was the first Sunday in October a year ago now, the ‘Chest of Joash’ Sunday at Northcrest, that Jon led our family to the altar during the time of invitation to join the church. For the first time in the life of our little crew, we were not a staff family.  I followed Jon’s lead because I desired to be submissive to my husband’s discernment.  I will never forget that moment.  Pastor Dan did not know my concerns or the prayer I had voiced daily, too many times to count.  But God knew!  Pastor Dan eagerly welcomed us all with a warm smile and embrace that morning.  Then he said, “Welcome to the family of Northcrest!  We love you! Family ministers to one another and loves one another. We are just so excited to have you here to serve with us.”   God honored my obedience.  He used the very words of my daily prayer to assure me that we are right where we are supposed to be — where my little crew has been ministered to and loved, a church family that is happy to serve alongside of us .  (And I have found my people, too!)

God can be trusted. He does answer our prayers, and He honors our obedience.  Occasionally, He answers our requests just like we imagined He would.  However, most times He answers in ways we do not expect. But He always answers.  You would think that after walking and talking with the Lord through a few hills, mountains, and valleys now, I would no longer be surprised when He answers.  After proving Himself time and time again, I should be expecting Him to answer in such unexpected ways — whether it be a ram hanging out in the community college parking lot before ballet class or the pastor welcoming me to my church home using the very words I had prayed in private.  But each time God answers, He still gets me.  I am often surprised as if it’s the first time He’s revealed Himself to me. For example, most recently, I began praying for God to give me something to write. To my awe, He didn’t just give me something to write; He gave me this opportunity to write also. Trust and obey!

Hill-y scape from the Guatemalan mission trip last Spring Break.

14 Replies to “Expecting the Unexpected”

  1. Beautiful!! I am so glad that God brought the Coopers into our lives. From a Lauren Daigle concert to group texts!!! Love you

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Your spirit is contagious, thank you! We love our Coopers. Thank you Jesus for leading them to us!

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