Give This Christmas Away

My family is really excited about an opportunity we’ve been given this Christmas season.  We will be a part of a drama team that accompanies our church choir in the upcoming musical, “The Story of Christmas:  Worship The King.”  Throughout the last few weeks of practice, one of the songs is on repeat in my head. I’ll find myself humming it, singing it aloud, or thinking on the lyrics. “Give this Christmas away.  If there’s love in your heart, don’t let it stay there.  Give this Christmas away, and your life will be changed by the gift you receive when you give this Christmas away.” (Matthew West’s “Give This Christmas Away”)

I’m sure I’m not the only one who grew up with parents who frequently used the phrase, “It’s better to give than to receive.”  I heard it most often around gift-giving holidays like Christmas and birthdays. As I grew in my knowledge of The Bible, I learned that, like many of the nuggets of wisdom my parents shared, this phrase is biblical.  Paul wrote to the Elders in Ephesus, in Acts 20:35 (ESV), “….remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Over the years, I witnessed my parents putting this scripture into action.  When it comes to giving, these two are the best teachers I know!  I’ll never forget the Christmas Day when my parents opened the door to our home and pulled up some extra chairs to our dinner table for some precious souls who didn’t have anywhere to go that day.  We feasted together in hopes of blessing them with a hot Christmas meal, but we were the ones most blessed.  We shared memories together that day, built lasting friendships, and started a new tradition. My life was forever changed by the gift I received from giving Christmas away.  It never fails — whenever I seek to serve or give to others, I am the one most blessed. And, what a blessing it is to be able to give or do for others!

This Christmas, I get to see this truth come alive to my 11 year old son.  He has one of the best big sisters in the whole wide world of sisters.  Over the years, she has invested in their relationship.  She has dates with him often and has made memories to last him a lifetime:  living room theater performances, game nights, movie nights, sleepovers in her room, and forts made with lots of quilts and lots of love.  My fella adores his big sister, and he’s learned to love her well.  This big sister has been accepted to be a part of an international mission with World Race Gap Year.  Next September 2018, we will launch her on a nine month journey to three countries around the world where she will share the Gospel with her words and her service.  The thought of her being gone for nine months already has this little brother missing her.  He wants to make her last months at home some of her best yet.  He’s launched a campaign in our home this Christmas — Project: A Christmas to Remember!  Emmett has surprised Hannah with some kind of Christmas cheer or Christmas happy each day since December 1.  For years, Hannah has asked for outdoor Christmas lights and decorations.  He kicked off his Christmas to Remember campaign by stringing outdoor lights around the front of the house to surprise her as she pulled into the driveway that night.  Her face lit up like a Christmas tree.  She was so blessed by Emmett’s thoughtful gift, but her sweet face of glee didn’t even compare to Emmett’s.  I wish you could have seen his face light up like a Christmas tree farm all aglow!  He has continued to share with her a new gift each day:  a Christmas tree in her bedroom, her favorite candies, indoor strands of lights, and helping her with her chores.  Each day, she is very blessed, but he’s the one experiencing the blessing and joy when he “gives this Christmas away.”  His life is being forever changed by the gift he receives from giving this Christmas away.

Imagine how incredibly special that first Christmas must have been!  I probably relate most to the lowly shepherds pulling the night shift in the field.  Once the angels delivered the Lord’s message to them and departed, those shepherds had a little pow-wow and decided to head over to Bethlehem to see what the Lord had told them.  We read in Luke chapter 2 that they were some of the first to give Christmas away.  Verse 17 shares with us that they told others about the birth of their King.  I imagine they had experienced Jesus.  They had love in their hearts, and they couldn’t let it stay there.  Then we see the gift they received from giving that Christmas away — Luke 2:20 (ESV) “And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.” That’s exactly what happens when we share Jesus – our relationship deepens and our love grows.  We can’t help but glorify and praise Him!

God does not need a relationship with us, but He desires a relationship with us.  He created us to dwell with Him forever.  Sin entered the world through the first man and woman, and since then, our sin has separated us from the holy, righteous, perfect God.  He loves us so much that He made a way for us to dwell with Him again — God was the first to give Christmas away. He gave that very first Christmas away.  He gave His son Jesus to save us from our unrighteousness and redeem our relationship with God. We cannot even begin to fathom His love for us.  And when we accept the gift of eternal life that He offers us through Jesus’ sacrifice, I want to think His face lights up like all the Christmas tree farms aglow around the whole wide world!

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