Handling Life’s Unexpected Struggles God’s Way

Life has a way of throwing things at us unexpectedly,  doesn’t it? You go through a period of time, a time of calm and peace, you might say, and everything seems to be going so well. Your boss tells you how much he appreciates the hard work you are putting in. Your sweet husband makes you breakfast. You have financial plans in place for all the things you want to accomplish in the future.  All of the pieces seem to be falling into place when all of a sudden, the car breaks down. Your boss makes the request that something be completed in a fast approaching deadline. Your spouse loses his job. A close family member gets a diagnosis that has no cure from the doctor.

It’s at times like these that we want to scream, “Why God?! Everything was going so well! I had everything in control and flowing wonderfully, and you had to throw a wrench into it!” I know that I am guilty of saying something along those lines, and I’m sure you are, too.  After our dramatic, panicked reaction, there comes the realization that we have to do something. So then we start to stress over solving the problem, and during that time we still want to whine and cry about how everything was going perfectly until this unexpected event occurred.  Over the years I have seen this happen to me and members of my family over and over again.  However, as my family got more involved in the church and became more spiritually mature, I noticed the responses to these unexpected struggles were changing.  Things were less panicked and stressful and more spiritually driven. So how should we, as Christians, respond when these sudden problems occur? Here are some things I’ve learned during these times of struggle that I think everyone should understand:

  1. God is SOVEREIGN – He reigns over everyone and everything. We never really had control in the first place. He has never been stressed out or panicked. So why should we?
  2. God is ALWAYS here with me – He has never walked away from me. He won’t always deliver me from the fire, but He will ALWAYS walk me through it! (Isaiah 43:1-3 ESV)
  3. God is FAITHFUL – When stress comes into our lives at unexpected moments, it is an awesome opportunity to know God!  He has been incredibly faithful to me and my family- in good times and bad.
    1. When I was watching my dad struggle with alcoholism, He was faithful to me. God was also faithful to my dad, and I was able to see my father repent and see how God continued to work in him and transform him into the wonderful man of God he is today!
    2. When my dad chose to retire out of the military and move us back to his home in Meridian, MS, God was faithful to me, and walked me through that transition.
    3. When we got news eight years later that my dad might be losing the job he had worked so hard for, we trusted God, and He was faithful. And as my dad’s company continues to make cuts, God continues to be faithful to us.
    4. When my family had to make one of the hardest decisions of our lives and leave the church we had attended for twelve years, the church my parents were married in, God was faithful.
    5. When I made the decision to leave an old job without the security of a new one, God was faithful!

Time and time again, God has proven to me that I can TRUST Him. I can always trust Him and know that He is in complete control of the universe and that all things are ultimately for His glory and my good (Romans 8:28 ESV).  So when these trials come, don’t be surprised, discouraged, or ashamed.  Instead, trust the God of the universe.  Psalm 37:5-6 (ESV) says “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.” Trust that He is there, and trust in his promises.  We also need to pray during these moments. When you feel freaked out or feel like you’re about to give out under all of the pressure, then “check out” for about ten minutes. Leave the stressful moment. Sit down and focus on who God is rather than your current circumstances. Talk to Him and let Him speak to you.  When you respond with faith and trust in God, people are going to take notice. There may be someone that asks you how you could be so calm and trusting. What a great opportunity to share the Gospel! Glory to God! 

So when troubles come, and they will come, don’t be alarmed, don’t panic. Focus on Jesus and let HIM get you through whatever challenges you’re facing.

More scripture references:

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
  • 1 Peter 4:12-19
  • John 14
  • Psalm 118:5-9

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