Light Germs 

So have you ever encountered something and then been wrong about what you originally thought it was? Or shown something new by it? Well, I have, and I’m almost 100% sure you have. Everyone is surprised now and then. We cannot stop it, so why not embrace it? Although is that normally our first choice? To embrace it? I think not. 

Has God ever surprised you? He’s surprised me many times. When he saved me, the circumstances were the most random they could ever be. Has he shown you something new? Maybe a new song that is perfectly aligned with the situation you’re going through, or a new perspective? God has a habit of putting you in the right place at the right time to give you a new perspective.

Everyone knows that germs can’t be seen with a naked eye. Most of the time you use a microscope to see germs, but do I have a story for you!

One day I was heading to my friend Jessie’s for a girls’ night, and just a few days earlier I had picked up my new glasses. So on my way to her house it was raining, and when I was walking to her door, a droplet of water got on the front of my glasses.  For some reason I didn’t wipe it off. At the time it wasn’t really bothering me, so I didn’t mess with it. I finally walked into her room, and I lay on her bed on my back, which I normally don’t but for some reason I did. So while I was lying on her bed looking at the ceiling and talking to her, my eyes happened to go out of focus. This made the droplet of water look bigger in my perspective. I didn’t notice at first, but the light from her ceiling was shining through the water on my glasses so perfectly that my prescription of my glasses was magnifying the water so that if I looked through the water, I could see the germs in the water! I know that sounds far-fetched, but it’s true! It blew my mind that my glasses could magnify water so that I could see the germs in the water! I even made Jessie and my other friend Jade look at it through my glasses, and they saw it too. I didn’t need a microscope to see the germs because my glasses had given me a new perspective!

This is exactly what God does for us. He sees something that to us looks impossible, gives us what we need to do the impossible, and gather a new perspective. God uses his light to let us see out of the darkness, so we can see him in a whole new world, perspective, whatever you’d like to call it!

Some germs are good, but most of the time we think of germs in a negative way. So picture yourself as a germ. Yucky, dirty, grimy, something NOBODY wants. We are sinful from birth, and to others no one wants us because of the sin we carry. But because of Jesus, just that name Jesus, we are the one thing he wants. He gladly shines his light upon us, because even if we are germs, we are special to him. If we’ve done bad things, hurt people we love, made bad decisions, God STILL pursues us. He chooses you. He makes us sons and daughters. How great a gift from God, to be called his child!

So once God saves you and his light is shining on you, shine bright for others. We are no longer germs; we are light. All because of Jesus. Just that name Jesus.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 NIV

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” John 8:12 NIV

Be thankful to God that he pursues us, and we aren’t germs anymore. We are light. So be one.

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