Little Eyes

A few Sundays ago, a little boy in our church sat with our family during the evening service.  As the pastor began his message, I grabbed my notebook and began writing. He nudged me and whispered, “What are you doing?”  I explained that I take notes during the sermon so that I can listen better and so that I can go back and remember each week’s sermon. A few minutes later, I looked over, and he was copying my notes on his own piece of paper that he had found in the back of the pew. I watched him as he meticulously wrote down every word that I wrote. He would even point at it to make sure that I saw it on his paper. He continued through the service and would occasionally add his own note from something that stuck out to him, so I wrote some of his notes down as well. He loved that! As he mimicked my writing, I was reminded of the little eyes that watch and follow me daily.

I have taught 1st and 2nd grade for the past four years, so I experience little eyes on me a lot throughout the day. It’s amazing the things that children pick up on… mannerisms, language, tone of voice, body language, and many other quirks. Children learn quickly how to imitate, and that is one way that they learn. Children do and say what they see and hear. There have been days when I think to myself, “Why is he/she talking like that?” and then I’m reminded of how I spoke that particular day. My students imitate the way I count out loud, the way I read, the way I sing, the way I dance, and the way I correct. When my students see me, I want them to see the qualities of Jesus through me.

My nephew is 19 months old now, and he loves to imitate. If we laugh, he laughs. If we make a sound, he tries his best to make a sound. If we tap on something, he taps back. He is learning new things by imitating us. It’s neat to me how kids pick up on imitation so quickly and naturally. Here lately, I’ve been thinking about all of the little eyes that watch me daily, and how my eyes should be fixed on Jesus that way, imitating Him in whatever ways are possible. Ephesians 5:1 says, “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” (ESV) I should be like those children: the little boy in church, my students at school, and my nephew. As a believer, I should be so in-tune with God that I imitate Him moment by moment every day.

As others see us imitate God, they are drawn to Him. We, as Christians, are called to make Christ known, and one way of doing that is by showing others that He is a part of our own life. 1 Peter 1:15-16 says, “But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, ‘you shall be holy, for I am holy.’ ” (ESV) This goes along with being imitators of Christ. Our life should reflect Christ so that others see Him. Kids are great examples of imitating, as I have already shared. We should be like children when it comes to imitating God. The more we desire Him and see our need for Him, the more we will strive to imitate Him.

Of course, if I’m being honest, it’s HARD to imitate Christ some days. Some mornings I wake up and pray that I would show love like Christ, and before 9:00 comes around, I’ve already been unloving to someone. Or I pray that God would help me to be gracious with my students, and then before the tardy bell rings, I’ve already forgotten that prayer. Being imitators of Christ takes a conscious effort moment by moment to desire Him and to pray that He would direct our thoughts, words, and actions. It’s not always easy to do, but when we do, we point others to Him.

I feel like God had the little boy sit next to me and copy my notes for a reason: He was reminding me that as a Christian, little eyes (and big eyes) are watching me. God has called us to be imitators of Him. When we choose to fix our eyes on Him, He does big things through us. We can point others to Christ when they see us living out the same characteristics of Jesus: kind, loving, faithful, gracious, trusting, and gentle. Follow Him and do as He does.

7 Replies to “Little Eyes”

  1. This is so great Brittany!!! As a student in high school, this just reminded me of how much I need to show Jesus and my love for him by imitating him! Great work!!

  2. Thank You for taking time to share that. God has a wonderful way of putting things in front of me that I need to see, hear, or know. Today it was “Little Eyes”. Beautifully convicting.

  3. Thanks for reminding all of us that we are Christians every day, everywhere, with everyone, not just when we’re in church.

  4. Touched my heart! Your words were both beautiful and inspiring! Thank you for taking the time too teach me a valuable lesson this evening!!

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