Rebel Without A Cause

More years ago than I care to remember, I walked into a cute little duplex on South Montgomery Street in Starkville, Mississippi, and perched myself on top of the world.  It was my freshman year in college, and I was on my own for the first time in my life.  I had to answer to no one, could come and go as I pleased, and the arrangement of the furniture was totally up to me, except for the porch area apparently, which was donned by my neighbor’s couch.  Eighteen years of wishing, hoping, longing for independence, and here I stood.  I was finally in charge of me!

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On the Mountain

Have you ever just been in a dry season spiritually? Everyone experiences this, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’ve recently started calling this season “On the Mountain” because to be transparent with you, friend, I’m right there now. 

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Wilderness Wandering

I have a sweet friend who said, “I’m dry, and I know it. I keep asking the Lord to bring me out of this wilderness. I tell him, ‘Lord, I’m ready. I’m tired of wandering. I’m just ready to be done.’” I thought about what she said for a long time. 

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On Fire, yet Not Burning Up

Have you ever experienced a season where you feel completely overwhelmed? Just too much to juggle and not enough rest. Thoughts that race continually. Feeling like you are treading water and not getting anywhere, no matter how hard you work or how much you try. Stress and worry at every turn. No end in sight to the daily battle of just trying to keep going.

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The Sweet Aroma and Taste of Resilience

My little crew and I have visited New Orleans, Louisiana, quite a few times through the years.  There have been a couple of family trips, business adventures, and airport departures/returns. Many of those trips left us with stories to tell and memories we had rather forget.  There was that time when our family was departing a trolley from the rear exit for some fun at the Children’s Museum, and the trolley door closed on my arm which was reached out holding 4-year-old Emmett’s hand.  He was the last of the Coopers to exit.  The door closed after the rest of his family had left, leaving him stuck inside the trolley all alone without his people.  Panic rushed throughout my entire body as I gripped his little hand tightly, looked through the door at the fear in his eyes, and yelled, “I’m not letting go.”  Continue reading

Trust in Him and Pray. God Cares!

“The pride of man is best seen in his determination to live by his own solutions in independence of God.” 

Hampton J. Keathley, III,The Promise That God Cares

The topic points of this reading largely come from the above quoted book by Mr. Keathley.  It’s amazing how the study of God’s word and the context within doesn’t know time limits and continues to hold just as true today. 

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Waiting for Happily Ever After Part 2


Any person that is a close family member or friend of mine knows of my obsession with Disney. However, they know I have a special place in my heart for Sleeping Beauty.  My wedding was even themed around this fairy tale.  There are many reasons I love this story, but my favorite part of this classic is the ending.  Aurora, her prince, and their families are finally all together. Aurora and Prince Philip dance off into the clouds.  As the camera zooms out of the gorgeous jeweled storybook, we see the final words on the page – “And they lived happily ever after…” The book closes and the screen fades to black.  This sounds like a beautiful, peaceful ending to their story, doesn’t it? You are left feeling that everything is right in Aurora’s world, and you almost envy that peace and happiness you know the princess is feeling. I mean she has everything she needs now to be content for the rest of her life. Prince Philip is going to be by her side and take care of her every need. Right? Wrong. Continue reading

What Are Christians to Do with Holiness in Such an Unholy World?

I bet from time to time you have asked, “What is this world coming to?” It’s a natural reaction to the awful things that happen.  Sin is running rampant, and, as a result, terrible things happen.  It is safe to say that we live in an unholy world. This world is so unholy  that anything holy sticks out like a sore thumb.  As Christians, most of us have heard the word holy used in church.  As a matter of fact, it is a very common word used amongst the people of God.  I think sometimes we even throw that word around without fully understanding the gravity of it.  Let’s have a quick refresher on that word.  Continue reading

At A Time Like This

Just a mere three weeks ago, we were all living an incredibly different day than we are today.  Just three weeks ago, our kids were starting their spring break, and we may have been kicking off our vacations from a fabulous destination or from our own beds as we slept late.  Some of us were not on break, so we were rising to go to work to face another week of the hustle and bustle.  We were probably all perfectly confident in our toilet paper supply, and we saw no reason to stop by every store to be sure our stash of rice and dog food were up to par.  Here we are today, though, living a much different life in a much different world with no clue what tomorrow or the next day will bring.  If we’re not extraordinarily careful, we might let that completely overtake us.

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YET, I will rejoice

Here at we share struggles, triumphs, and the Father’s love. We are here to be open and honest and not sugarcoat anything. Well, my friend, that’s exactly what I’m here to do. I myself always prefer it when people give me real-life examples. I want to do that now for you. 

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