The Pride Trap

In January my church, Northcrest Baptist Church, advertised a new financial class that was going to be offered called “God Owns It All.”  My instinctive thought in response to this announcement was, “I don’t need that.” Even though my husband Heath and I were married just this past June, I wasn’t concerned about how we manage our money. I felt confident in our current financial state. Many people who know me personally know that I grew up watching my parents learn about budgeting through Dave Ramsey’s classes, and I even wrote an article about my thoughts on money management as a single woman in 2017 called “Money Smarts” (  While Heath and I were dating, I shared what I had learned over the years and showed him how I budgeted. We also read Dave Ramsey’s book titled The Total Money Makeover during our weeks of marriage counseling. When I heard about this new class, I truly felt we already knew everything we needed to know. We budgeted, we saved, and we tithed, so it would be a waste of time. 

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Defining Moments

It was just turning into the holiday season of 2017 when my husband lost his job. I felt anxiety, despair, and panic roll in at full force. I immediately thought of all the things coming up at the time. Christmas was only weeks away, along with all the extra expenses. He was about to start medical school, and we had no idea how we were going to make ends meet living off student loans. We were trying to save for a down payment and buy a house, so we could move near the school which was over an hour away. All of these worries filled my head, and the anxiety of how we would pay our bills, let alone have the money for anything extra, threatened to suffocate me. Continue reading

Speak, Lord, Speak

In this day and age, we live with technology similar to that seen before its time in the classic cartoon, “The Jetsons.”  We have technology that we can actually talk to and instantly receive a response.  Parents around the world may be suiting up their kiddos for a school day when they pause to say, “Alexa, what’s the weather like today?” And we are not surprised when the electronic device responds with something like, “The weather in Meridian today will be slightly warm with a high of 67 degrees and a 90% chance of rain showers.”  iPhone users will speak with Siri, and it’s no surprise when “she” responds.  Continue reading

The Boogie Monster

Repairing Relationships

Becoming a dad has been one of the greatest blessings I’ve ever received, but like most blessings, there come responsibilities and new lessons learned. We are constantly screening what types of shows we watch on TV, working out the context of our conversations, and teaching a two-year-old the tough things in life, like drinking milk from a bowl, especially from a bowl of Fruity Pebbles cereal. Continue reading

Stay Focused

Sunday, March 31st, 2013, is a day that I will never forget.  It was a day that changed the trajectory of my family’s future. You see, March 31st was a great day! This was the day that I surrendered to ministry before my home church. I knew I was in God’s will and obeying His command. However, I could never have predicted how the next six years would look. Continue reading

We’re Starving

I ate really well on Sunday. It’s my day to rest and worship with my family, so I ate several huge, vitamin-filled meals. Someone served the food to me, too, so what’s better than that? I didn’t even have to make it for myself, so by the end of the day, I was fat and happy. Then Monday came, and even though I’m off on Mondays, I filled my day with a MILLION things I needed to do for the week. The hunger pangs started toward the end of the day, so I ate a little snack to get me by, and then I kept going full speed ahead. No slowing down, y’all! Continue reading

I Did It My Way

By Rob Smith (and Elvis)

Malachi 3:8-10 New International Version (NIV)

“Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ “In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

I am very embarrassed to share this article with you.  It exposes a sin that I am not very proud to talk about.  As a matter of fact, I “fought” the Holy Spirit all the way to the point of saying, “Well, I wouldn’t know what to title it!” Continue reading

Lamp and Light

Research tells us that young children need to hear around 21,000 words per day.  These words help them develop their vocabulary, language skills, and will make them better students once they enter school.  My three-year-old hears this allotment, no doubt.  He’s the youngest of four, so there’s no shortage of words in our house. Continue reading

Stretch Marks

Hey! It has been a while since we last talked, and today I want to explore something. I want to find joy in or learn something new about stretch marks. No, we aren’t talking about our bodies. I want to know what stretch marks can teach us spiritually. What do you think God could be teaching you through your stretch marks? What circumstances does God permit to mold and shape us, past and present?  That is what I mean by “stretch marks.” Continue reading

Handling Life’s Unexpected Struggles God’s Way

Life has a way of throwing things at us unexpectedly,  doesn’t it? You go through a period of time, a time of calm and peace, you might say, and everything seems to be going so well. Your boss tells you how much he appreciates the hard work you are putting in. Your sweet husband makes you breakfast. You have financial plans in place for all the things you want to accomplish in the future.  All of the pieces seem to be falling into place when all of a sudden, the car breaks down. Continue reading