Stretch Marks

Hey! It has been a while since we last talked, and today I want to explore something. I want to find joy in or learn something new about stretch marks. No, we aren’t talking about our bodies. I want to know what stretch marks can teach us spiritually. What do you think God could be teaching you through your stretch marks? What circumstances does God permit to mold and shape us, past and present?  That is what I mean by “stretch marks.”  I know… this is a weird concept, but I have found that the Lord can speak in whatever way he wants to teach us something brand new. 

This topic came about in a conversation I was having with someone very special to me. As we started to talk about stretch marks, I posed the question, “What do you think God could be teaching us through stretch marks?” We both agreed that it’s not that deep.  But what if it is? I want to go that deep. Today we’re not talking body image; we’re going to talk about how God through the Holy Spirit stretches us to grow us. 

Before you finish reading, please seriously pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal something new to you. 

Here is an example of my own experience with stretch marks.  Toward the end of July, I was supposed to be heading to Africa to serve with the Hill family, missionaries in Uganda. On the day I was leaving, my parents were also leaving. My dad got a new job that required him and my mom to move to Knoxville, Tennessee, which if you don’t know… is six hours plus away. It was a hard pill to swallow, but because I was leaving for Africa, I knew I wouldn’t have to think about it for at least another three weeks. Instead of asking God to give me peace about living so far away from my parents and allowing him to stretch me, I just ignored it altogether until I couldn’t anymore. 

Once I arrived home, I refused to stay by myself, still not allowing myself to be stretched. Then the day came when no friend could stay over, and I couldn’t stay with anyone, so I was forced to be alone. After a few months of avoiding being home as much as possible, here’s what I realized…it’s not so bad. Yes, it was kind of scary being in a house by myself, but because of the lack of humans in my house.. haha.. I got to spend a lot of time in solitude with Jesus and could speak freely out loud. (Which is technically not talking to myself. 🙂 

I had to be vulnerable about being alone in my house to be reminded that I’m never alone when Jesus Christ lives inside of me, a simple message which is often repeated a lot in worship, but it was about trust. I was far from my parents, but Jesus was not even a breath away. That’s what He was teaching me. The minute I stopped looking at my present circumstances, I saw the big picture.  I saw there was purpose in my parents moving. Once I realized that, God began to grow and mold me. When we open our hearts to God’s truth, He will begin to shape and mold us into exactly who He created us to be. 

God reminds us through James that our trials are to help us mature in our faith. James pleads with us to let God do what only He can do. James says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-4. God is only trying to mature you where you’re at now, so let him stretch you. After this, you can look back and see where God was trying to mold you so that you could fulfill your purpose He designed for you. 

In your opinion, your life right now may not be that bad, or it may be the toughest battle you’ve ever faced. You might be somewhere in the middle, or you might be trying to forget the last three months of your life. It won’t be easy because sometimes the stretching hurts, but, like James says, let perseverance finish its work, so that by the power of God you won’t be lacking anything.

Here is my prayer: Lord, I pray that for those who read this word, God, that you would speak to them in whatever way you wish. I believe these are your words and not my own. I pray they would search their hearts and listen for your voice. I pray that you would stretch them further than ever before. I pray they would have willing hearts and a desire to be stretched and taken to levels in their faith that go deeper than the ocean. I pray, whoever is reading this, you would let the Holy Spirit search you, bring up things you don’t want to talk about, and bring you whispers of confidence and love reminding you it’s all a part of God’s purpose for you. Lastly, I pray that your past, present, and future struggles would grow you into a deeper relationship with the Lord.  Amen. 

6 Replies to “Stretch Marks”

  1. I really liked what you wrote and it’s so true our lives are like stretch marks some deeper than others but as long as we are faithful and obedient God will see us through all these good and bad and the stretch marks is also the person you are and it’s your living testimony

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