The beauty of social media is the ability of keeping in touch with people we do not see every day, every week, or even every year. As a person who has moved around over the last seven years, I have met many people. I have met peers in school and work, and I’ve met adults who served as mentors (even if they do not realize it). Then there are the former students I have had in my youth groups. These students live all over the world now. Mostly they live in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, but one lives in Arizona and one even lives in Japan!
It is so awesome to see the different journeys these students have taken. However, as I keep up with former students via social media, I never cease to be amazed at how God works in their lives.
As I look back, I see students who have become great leaders in their schools, jobs, and churches, especially the student ministries they grew up in. I saw potential in these students that they didn’t see, and the truth is God has used them in even greater ways than I could have imagined. I have witnessed former students become leaders, and in many occasions unexpected leaders. The expectation was for these students to be involved, but they have become the unexpected leaders.
This reminds me of a story found in Scripture, a story of just a young boy that no one could have predicted to have the impact he would live to have, a young boy who was left in the field tending the sheep.
This is the story of David, son of Jesse. In 1 Samuel 16, we see God giving instructions to Samuel. Samuel is to go to Jesse and anoint the future king. Verse 7 gives specific instruction to Samuel saying,
“But the LORD said to Samuel, Do not look at his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” (ESV)
We learn that Jesse presented seven of his sons to Samuel, but Samuel didn’t find who he expected. Jesse tells Samuel that he has his youngest son in the field keeping the sheep. The word translated to youngest can also mean smallest. You see, during that time, the smallest would be the most unexpected leader.
In verse 12 we see the Lord says, “Arise, anoint him, for this is he.”
Samuel had found the man (or boy) that God had in store to be king.
Verse 13 says, “And the spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.”
What we know about the rest of David’s life is that he was blessed with success! David defeats Goliath. David shows grace and mercy on Saul. David defends Israel through his leadership. He wasn’t perfect; in fact, he fell and fell hard at times. But what we learn about David is that no one would have chosen him as King, if it were up to them.
The truth is Samuel probably wouldn’t have picked him if not for the direction and order from the LORD.
It is safe to say that David was an Unexpected Leader.
So what is the moral behind this?
As I remind myself, I also encourage you not to overlook anyone you come in contact with because they may be different than you. We must remember that Jesus still saves, and Jesus uses the least expected.
God consistently uses the least expected to do the work of the church. The gospel is for everyone!
You never know when God is going to use the least expected person to have the great amount of impact for the Kingdom!
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